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Conservation Commission Minutes - 04/18/2013


Minutes of Meeting
   April 18, 2013

To:  Town Clerk
cc:   Members

Present:  R. Ballantyne, A. Tolland, M. Allen, J. Fournier, M. DePoto, R. Willis, P. Stolfa,               Associate Member, Michele Grenier, Conservation Agent   
Absent:  J. Livingstone, A. Riordan, Associate Member  

There was a motion to accept the minutes of the March 28th meeting.  The motion was seconded and failed with a vote of 3-0-3.

Ms. Michele Grenier’s Agent’s Report has been appended to the minutes.


Minor Buffer Zone Activity:  85 Elm Street
Mr. Chris Botchis, the applicant, appeared before the Commission for the construction of a
8’x12’ shed in his backyard.  The shed will be constructed on blocks and will be placed beyond the 25 ft. no touch zone.  There will be no trees or shrubs removed for this proposed work.
There will be 155 sq. ft. of disturbance.

No hazardous materials will be stored in the shed.

There was a motion to issue a Negative Determination subject to 3 conditions; that the applicant notify the Conservation Agent when the work begins, that the work is conducted according to the plan and that the applicant notifies the Conservation Agent when the work has been completed.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Public Hearing - Notice of Intent – 95 Chestnut Street – McWade – CE159-1043
Mr. Donald Nielsen, Engineer of Guerriere & Halnon, appeared before the Commission to regrade the rear yard and backfill up to the existing wall.  Mr. Nielsen informed the Commission members that the existing retaining wall has collapsed.  He presented plans for the site and gave a detailed overview of the plans to remediate the site.

Mr. Nielsen stated that a Filter Mitt will be placed at the toe of the slope.  There will also be 3 maple trees proposed to come down at the toe of the slope.

There will be a split rail fence constructed at the top of the slope so that there is some protection for the residents of the building.

Michele Grenier stated that she has visited the site and the wall is collapsed.

Some special conditions discussed were:  

o       A 12” Compost Sock, Filter Mit® or equivalent shall be used.

o       Clean fill or organic materials shall be used.

o       A Conservation plaque shall be placed on each corner on the fence post.

o       2” diameter caliper trees shall be planted with exposed flare.

o       The split rail fence must be maintained for safety purposes and will remain as a permanent condition #28 on Certificate of Compliance.

o       The slope in the backyard must be cut once in the spring and once in the late fall and
        will remain as a permanent condition #29 on Certificate of Compliance.

There was a motion to close the public hearing for 95 Chestnut Street.  The motion was seconded
and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Lincoln Street Bridge Repairs – Town of Franklin, - CE159-1044
Mr. David Pellegri, Engineer of Tetra Tech, the engineering consultants for the Town of Franklin and the Town of Medway, and Mr. Bill Yadisernia, Town of Franklin Engineer, both appeared before the Commission for the repair of existing bridge to address scouring and undermining of bridge abutments at the Lincoln Street Bridge.  

Mr. Pellegri gave the Commission some background information on the proposed project.
The main goal of the work will be scouring below the abutments.  There is some cracking beneath the arch and this will be repaired as well.  There will be some trees removed during this work.  

Straw waddles and silt fence will be used for erosion control purposes.  There is a proposed silt curtain across the water depending of the water levels at the time of the work.

The work will start in July or August during low water season.

Michele Grenier, Conservation Agent, stated that she has visited the site twice and the proposed work is minimal in scope.  She also stated that she approves of the grout bags to be used.

There was a motion to waive the local fees.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

A Commission member inquired of Mr. Pellegri as to how the grout bags work and what they are comprised of and that they are not biodegradable.  It was questioned what material will be used to spray for poison ivy and it needs to be aquatic safe.

Mr. Charles Koshivas, an abutter to the project, questioned if the bridge will be closed during this project.

Some conditions discussed were:

  • that any tree removal be subject to the approval of the Conservation Agent;
  • the herbicide used for poison ivy must be specified and verified as aquatic safe;  the turbidity in the river must be monitored
There was a motion to continue the public hearing for the Town of Franklin DPW Notice of Intent for Lincoln Street Bridge Repairs until May 16th.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.

Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – Franklin Retirement Residence – 485 E. Central Street - CE159-1042
Mr. Pat Doherty, Engineer of Midpoint Engineering, and Mr. Mark Lohan, a representative of Lenity Architecture, both appeared before the Commission for the construction of a retirement residence building with associated appurtenances.  Mr. Doherty stated that he is present at tonight’s hearing to answer any additional questions regarding this project.

There was a discussion regarding the Orders of Conditions not having been prepared.

There was a motion to close the public hearing for 485 East Central Street.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 5-0-1; 5 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstention.

Discussion:  Dacey Field  
Mr. Jeff Nutting, Town Administrator, and Mr. Ryan Jette, Recreation Director, both appeared before the Commission to discuss some matters regarding the Dacey Field.  Mr. Nutting stated that he has recently visited the site with Michele Grenier, Conservation Agent, and Ryan Jette and observed some plywood in the wetlands, which has been there for at least 13 years and a bridge which was built in the 1990’s and some recent activity without permission from the Town.

Mr. Nutting proposed to relocate some golf holes, put some signage up and build some boardwalks with permission from the Commission.

The plywood will be removed and a boardwalk will be constructed.

A Commission member asked Mr. Jette if there is a plan denoting the activity at the fields.  Mr. Jette has some GIS plans that he coordinated with the previous Conservation Agent.  The goal was to utilize the existing trails.  Some signs will be put up to denote the environmentally sensitive areas.

Mr. Jette stated that the trash barrels have been removed from the site.

The Commission members informed Mr. Jette that they would like to see a map so that they may understand what the activities are, where they are located and what materials will be used.  Signage was also discussed.  

Discussion:  Town-owned Land   
This discussion was continued until the Commission members have more facts.

Signed Determination of Applicability
Determination of Applicability (Negative) 85 Elm Street – Botchis

There was a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 6-0-0.  
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Celorier
Conservation Secretary